Non-profit organization with independent 501(c)(3) status

WE CAN Foundation

WE CAN Foundation provides access to educational, economic, and community development opportunities for technologically underserved communities. We address the technology disparities with segments of society experiencing the digital divide. We provide community-based responses to the challenges of multi-culture, techno-based, global society.

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2 Submitted Ideas

  • CREATE ·2022 Grants Challenge

    LA Geo For All Lab Project

    An LA county-wide, user-agency-centric amalgamation of the Geo for All initiative, advanced distributed learning (ADL), and business enterprise resource planning (ERP) into Informational communicational technological (ICT) operational open-source software systems. It's a practical framework with a modular functional toolkit for incorporating modern ICT resources based on open-source software systems and best practices from the CTCNet Start-up Manual for non-profits. The We Can Foundation/CalTekNet is programming a Digital Transformation.

  • LIVE ·2021 Grants Challenge

    MY MHD-4TY (Mental Health and Doula Peer to Peer Responders for Teens/Young Adults)

    The project is aimed to provide reproductive health and mental health support to youth in California. Provide individualized and group-based mental health (i.e. counseling) services to help alleviate the pent up emotional scars and traumas experienced by youth. The program will assist and facilitate access to basic needs and safety-net support to mitigate the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic to a population that had been in affected by the pandemic, with the lockdown and school closing.
