Non-profit organization with independent 501(c)(3) status


Liddo Grannies Touch is a non-profit organization created decades after the due diligence of my grandmother's kindness splurged throughout the city of watts. She has always had the heart to help all in need with the mindset of giving back, "for a purpose" with a purpose on purpose.This blessing was then passed through 3 generations of women.


1 Submitted Idea

  • LIVE ·2022 Grants Challenge

    Liddo Grannies Touch Initiative For Change

    Liddo Grannies first main focus is the overwhelming condition of homelessness, hunger and healthcare.Our transitional housing is a safe living space for those in need to come take advantage of our wrap around services which include but not limited to the end of homelessness, basic life skills and hygiene, health care, on the job training, job leads for those on parole, on and offsite educational programs and help with getting help from state income programs such as the pilot program that helps with paying rent.
