Western Center on Law & Poverty
Through the lens of economic and racial justice, the mission of Western Center on Law & Poverty is to fight in courts, cities, counties, and in the Capitol to secure housing, health care, and a strong safety net for Californians with low incomes.
Visit this organization’s website to learn more

4 Submitted Ideas
CREATE ·2023 Grants Challenge
Lifting Families out of Deep Poverty through CalWORKs Home Visitation Program (HVP)
Approximately 30% of eligible families in California are participating in CalWORKs public benefits system. Less than 1% of eligible families in Los Angeles County receive home visits through CalWORKS, despite evidence that the program is both highly effective and needed, offering everything from health to economic resources. Western Center will work at the State level to address barriers to CalWORKs enrollment and families' ability to access cash grants that can end deep poverty, while working at the County level to drive participation in HVP.
LIVE ·2022 Grants Challenge
Secure and Stable Housing For All Angelenos
Our goal is for ALL Angelenos to have access to healthy, sustainable, and affordable housing in neighborhoods of their choosing. We advocate for strong, clear, and enforceable anti-displacement protections, work to protect tenants from eviction and landlord abuse, and ensure access to housing by advocating to preserve the existing housing stock and by promoting equitable planning and development.
LIVE ·2021 Grants Challenge
·🎉 WinnerWorking to Provide Dignity, Basic Needs, and Care for All Through the Law
Western Center on Law & Poverty fights to undo the impact of California’s massive income and wealth inequality, the unsustainable and racist housing market, lack of access to health care, and unfair systems of justice. Our team works tirelessly to make sure Los Angeles residents experiencing poverty are protected in California law, both during the pandemic and after.
LIVE ·2014 Grants Challenge
Health Care for 1 Million Uninsured Los Angeles Residents
WCLP will help the state and county expand health care to the 1 million LA residents who remain uninsured after the Affordable Care Act.