
USAC Office of the President and USAC Student Wellness Commission at UCLA

The Office of the President and the Student Wellness Commission represent the interests and advocate for the UCLA student body, for issues ranging from tuition to healthcare.


2 Submitted Ideas

  • LIVE ·2015 Grants Challenge

    All of Us: A Campaign to Rethink Mental Health

    Conducting a much-needed conference to educate LA about mental health, advocate for expansion of mental health services, and spread awareness to pave the way for enacting legislative change to support individuals dealing with mental health issues. A series of small projects to change the perception of mental health issues, and to expand the scope of our campaign will precede the conference.

  • LEARN ·2014 Grants Challenge

    All of Us at UCLA: A Revitalization of Mental Health

    A student-led conference that is centered around educating and empowering the Los Angeles community about issues related to mental health.
