The Social Impact Center
The Social Impact Center bridges government, grassroots organizations, and people in underserved communities towards transformative justice and turning harm into healing. We build, strengthen, and empower the next generation of leaders focusing on the most impacted populations via education, storytelling, community building, and safe dialogue.
Visit this organization’s website to learn more

1 Submitted Idea
CREATE ·2023 Grants Challenge
Breaking Down Barriers, Building New Stories
Led by systems-impacted community, Social Impact Center seeks to break down barriers to freer, more secure and hopeful futures as Angelenos navigate life post-incarceration. We break down the most visible barriers by helping clear, seal and expunge 1000s of records, a starting point to new opportunity. But that's just step 1: with Mindology, we offer the emotional tools to manage the emotional ups and downs of re-entry, and are building new film career pipelines and generative opportunities to allow bigger dreams to flourish into reality.