
Survivor Justice Center

The Survivor Justice Center secures justice for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault and empowers them to create their own futures.


4 Submitted Ideas

  • LIVE ·2024 Grants Challenge

    Housing Solutions for Survivors (HSS)

    Domestic violence survivors often have to choose between living with an abuser or living on the street. Abusers have kept them from building economic agency and have often coerced them into debt or used their identities to incur debt. Economic abuse, coupled with other effects of trauma, makes securing stable housing extremely difficult. Los Angeles Center for Law and Justice’s (the Center) Housing Solutions for Survivors (HSS) project helps survivors address housing needs that are critical to their safety and recovery.

  • CONNECT ·2023 Grants Challenge

    Empowering Immigrant Survivors of Trafficking and Violence

    LACLJ helps immigrant survivors of domestic violence and human trafficking access legal protections, including securing legal residency status and work authorization, and obtain benefits and social services that support self-sufficiency and economic agency as they free themselves from abuse. Our unique service model combines legal and social services to ensure that immigrant survivors can overcome challenges to navigating the justice system and accessing critical non-legal needs such as housing, food, childcare, employment, and transportation.

  • CONNECT ·2022 Grants Challenge

    Justice and Safety for Survivors

    We seek to address the continuing lack of safety and accessibility to justice for immigrants who are survivors of domestic violence, sexual abuse, and human trafficking and the problem of some government and law enforcement agencies that become barriers to their seeking justice and safety rather than being part of the solutions. When an immigrant survivor receives justice and feels safe, they have the ability to become more integrated into our communities. Our wrap around services also address barriers with mental health and homelessness.

  • CONNECT ·2021 Grants Challenge
    🎉 Winner

    Justice and safety for survivors

    We seek to address the lack of safety and accessibility to justice for immigrants who are survivors of domestic violence and sexual abuse and the problem of some government and law enforcement agencies that become barriers to their seeking justice and safety rather than being part of the solutions. When an immigrant survivor receives justice and feels safe, they have the ability to becoming more integrated into our communities.
