Non-profit organization with independent 501(c)(3) status

STEM to the Future

STTF’s mission is to inspire and motivate Black and Latinx youth to use STEAM to create the world they want and deserve.


3 Submitted Ideas

  • LEARN ·2024 Grants Challenge

    STEAM for a Just LA

    At STEM to the Future, we're using STEAM to help Black and brown elementary and middle school youth be the architects of their futures. By providing them STEAM tools, they can redesign a future that is more just, more green, more inclusive for every Angeleno. In the upcoming school year, STTF will partner with one LAUSD Priority School to provide weekly STEAM instruction that is standards-aligned and culturally relevant for approximately 500 third through fifth grade students at 107 St. Elementary for an entire school year.

  • LEARN ·2023 Grants Challenge

    Transforming STEAM Education and Social-Justice Learning

    STEM to the Future (STTF) realizes the untapped power of Black and brown elementary and middle school youth, and redefines what education looks like, by creating STEAM programs grounded in social justice. We put education in youth's hands, so they can build the futures they want and deserve. Through our in-school and afterschool program, Planting the Seed, we will expose over 2,500 youth to various STEAM pathways as they conduct community-centered projects they are passionate about such as using data analysis to create sustainable lunchrooms.

  • CREATE ·2022 Grants Challenge

    Revolutionize STEAM for Black and Latinx youth

    STEM to the Future (STTF) is altering the way we address the STEM pipeline gap for Black and Latinx students through a scalable social justice and STEAM-based curriculum. We are expanding our STEAM Residency program, which pairs Black and Latinx elementary and middle school aged youth with STEAM practitioners and activists. Our STEAM residents will lead students through project-based learning experiences that are aligned with their profession and help meet an unmet need in the community.
