
St. Francis Center

St. Francis Center’s mission is to feed, serve, and walk with the poor as a community of hope in the spirit of Saint Francis of Assisi.

  • Visit this organization’s website to volunteer

  • Learn about this organization’s budget, leadership and mission

  • Where the organization works


2 Submitted Ideas

  • LIVE ·2021 Grants Challenge

    St. Francis Center Hunger Relief Programs

    One in four Angelenos suffers from food insecurity, which is now exacerbated by the pandemic. St. Francis Center provides hunger relief services through our breakfast and pantry programs to our surrounding community. But we don't only serve food, we also provide comprehensive services such as showers, rental and utility assistance, phone access, and longer-term case management interventions. Our services help individuals and families improve their lives, and the overall health and stability of the surrounding community.

  • LIVE ·2014 Grants Challenge

    SFCLA - Serving Hope and Veggies where LA needs it most!

    Eliminate Los Angeles’ food deserts by ensuring low-income families have free access to fresh produce and nutritious groceries.
