
Promesa Boyle Heights at Proyecto Pastoral

Promesa Boyle Heights is a passionate collaborative of residents, educators, and organizations working together to create a community where all thrive and are empowered to act.


3 Submitted Ideas

  • CONNECT ·2018 Grants Challenge

    Neighbor to neighbor: Empower Boyle Heights residents to help each other access wellness resources.

    Improve health outcomes and social connectedness in Boyle Heights by empowering residents to conduct community outreach and education, so that their fellow neighbors can access wellness resources.

  • LEARN ·2015 Grants Challenge

    Promesa Boyle Heights

    It takes a village to nurture a child’s success. A thriving student is the result of more than a good school. It is also a thriving community with jobs, affordable housing, wellness access, & strong social networks. That is why, we are united around a vision where: 1) every child has an opportunity to learn, grow & succeed from cradle through college and career; 2) families can live a stable, healthy and fulfilling life; and 3) every individual is empowered to act & create a more just community.

  • CONNECT ·2014 Grants Challenge

    Promesa Boyle Heights: Transforming our Community Together.

    We are creating a resident-led model for change, by engaging more residents and supporting a campaign for a school-based wellness center.
