We're still matching donations made via the LA2050 Ideas Hub!

Para Los Niños

Para Los Niños (PLN) believes in the children, youth, and families it serves. PLN’s model fosters pathways to success through excellence in education, powerful families, and strong communities for children and youth to thrive. 


1 Submitted Idea

  • LIVE ·2024 Grants Challenge

    Partners and promoters address food injustice

    We believe the solutions to complex social issues originate from those most affected. Best Start Region 1 (BSR1) addresses the social determinants of health in East LA, Metro LA, South El Monte/El Monte, and Southeast LA by revitalizing our Food Distribution Hub (Hub). Our efforts empower residents to transform systems to achieve physical, psychological, intellectual, and emotional safety and security. Supported by our community promoters, we bridge the gap between marginalized communities and basic essentials to uplift all members of society.
