Nest Foundation
Our Mission: A cultural paradigm shift in violence prevention & mental wellness
Our goal is to transform violence prevention education with programs that address all forms of harm, while fostering connection and mental wellness. Our solution is to build students up and nurture skills in emotional agility, accountability, empathy, and gratitude.
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1 Submitted Idea
LEARN ·2024 Grants Challenge
Violence Prevention For Systems-Impacted Youth
The Nest Foundation (Nest) proposes an expanded violence prevention program for LAUSD and its 100 priority schools, including enhanced training for 500 teachers and counselors, and new resources for 15,000 parents and foster families. Nest provides social-emotional learning programming in LAUSD; programs are trauma-informed and designed with student input to improve mental health, reduce bullying and violence, and help youth recognize trauma and get support. These new offerings will help support students at home and in the broader community.