For profit business

Multiplicity - Table for Ten

Multiplicity’s Table for Ten is a small-group networking platform to help women get paid, get jobs, and get power in their careers. We help to build long-term relationships that create greater professional opportunities and supports their promotion to leadership positions. Our mission is to reach parity through mutual support.

1 Submitted Idea

  • CREATE ·2021 Grants Challenge

    Creating Space for Women to Succeed

    Every month, a group of women gathers online to join a female leader from fields including tech, healthcare and education discuss her professional life, her successes and failures, and to meet one another, share their thoughts and their own experiences. Women are encouraged to return monthly, build relationships and practice networking skills. Women who most need networking skills and a strong community of professional peers are often those least able to afford it. Table for Ten aims to make attendance accessible for all women.