Los Angeles Audubon Society
Connecting people with nature in the city. The mission of Los Angeles Audubon Society is to promote the study and protection of birds, other wildlife, and their habitats throughout the diverse landscapes of the Los Angeles area, and to stimulate popular interest in and access to nature for all Los Angeles communities.
Visit this organization’s website to learn more

5 Submitted Ideas
PLAY ·2021 Grants Challenge
Nature is in PLAY
Our Nature Is in Play Project aims to connect all Angelenos to the inspiring, energizing, and healing benefits of nature in the city. Nature is in play at all of Los Angeles Audubon’s outdoor and online programs that connect diverse communities to nature walks, community-based science programs, habitat restoration, and nature sketching at schools, neighborhoods, parks and beaches throughout LA County.
LEARN ·2020 Grants Challenge
·🎉 WinnerLos Angeles Audubon - Urban Nature Network
Urban Nature Network will grow the next generation of environmental stewards by providing a pathway for higher learning opportunities, internships, and career development. A single student has access to a support structure that could serve them from third grade on through their first few years as a recent college graduate, providing them with opportunities to gain valuable experience in E-STEAM fields and hands-on experience in environmental research, habitat restoration, conservation and community action.
PLAY ·2019 Grants Challenge
·🎉 FinalistLA Audubon Urban Nature Network
Urban Nature Network will connect students, families, members of the public to outdoor experiences at parks, beaches & open spaces. The program will also provide thousands of youth (grades 3-12), many from under-served communities, with nature-based field trips and after-school programs. Students will participate in stewardship training as paid interns, leading habitat restoration events that engage their communities and improve the quality of parks and open space for people and wildlife.
PLAY ·2016 Grants Challenge
LA Audubon - Urban Nature Explored
LA Audubon Urban Nature Explored connects people of all ages to nature activities, provides field trips and after-school programs for LAUSD students, and student internships for under-served youth.
PLAY ·2015 Grants Challenge
LOS ANGELES AUDUBON - Urban Nature Explored and Expressed
Urban Nature Explored - To engage urban youth and their communities in the great outdoors through environmental stewardship via our on-going nature programs that are improving acres of parkland and re-imagining schoolyards as nature-filled learning centers. Urban Nature Expressed - To provide an artistic platform and Pop-Up gallery for under-served youth to showcase their interpretations of urban nature in LA, where students interact with the public.