LIVE & FAITH Consulting
Empowering Black women through excellence in project management.
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2 Submitted Ideas
CREATE ·2023 Grants Challenge
Empowering Black Women Through Project Management
L&F Project Management is a social enterprise that uses an innovative approach to close access and income gaps that inequitably affect Black women. Our workforce development programs aim to elevate an untapped talent pool into the field of project management through practical experience, mentorship, and life skill development as participants earn their Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) Certification. The LA2050 Grant will be used to expand the programs, thus ensuring that more Black women can build careers in this growing field.
LEARN ·2021 Grants Challenge
Empowering Black Women Through Project Management
LIVE & FAITH Consulting is a social enterprise focused on empowering Black women through project management, and the LA2050 Grant will be used to launch and scale the firm’s Summer Internship and Associate programs in order to provide opportunities for women of color. These programs offer young Black women career development and professional skill building, in addition to life skills training, mentorship, and an inspirational speaker series. Both programs are part-time allowing students to earn income while attending college.