Legends Animated
Legends Animated is a 501(c)3 worker self-directed nonprofit animation company that promotes the awareness and appreciation of animation as a medium for all forms of storytelling. It does so by providing collaborative opportunities to create independent animation that is both engaging and impactful.
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Where the organization works
1 Submitted Idea
- CREATE ·2024 Grants Challenge
The Los Angeles Eco Village: the Animated Film
This initiative provides animation students from East Los Angeles College as well as BRIC apprentices with work-based learning opportunities on an animated film that would not only offer training and portfolio materials, but also compensation with the support of the LA2050 grant. The film has a dual purpose of illustrating the formation of Urban Soil Tierra Urbana, a housing cooperative that is a part of the Los Angeles Eco Village. Once completed, the film will spread awareness about this permanently affordable and ecological housing model.