
Lab Launch

Lab Launch’s mission is to enable the scientists and entrepreneurs of Los Angeles to develop their ideas in affordable, high-quality lab facilities, with access to services and a supportive innovation community to accelerate their success.


2 Submitted Ideas

  • CREATE ·2015 Grants Challenge

    Lets Create Innovation Space for LA Biotech

    Our goal, and our vision for the Los Angeles of 2050 is a vibrant network of affordable, accessible biotech incubators across the LA metro region, where life science innovators from any background can access the facilities and equipment they need to move their ideas forward. At LabLaunch-Monrovia, we will provide high-quality laboratory space, state-of-the-art shared equipment, and a supportive innovation community, giving biotech startups a place to take root in Los Angeles.

  • CREATE ·2014 Grants Challenge

    Lets Build a Life Science Incubator in Los Angeles!

    We will establish a Life Science Incubator and coworking facility that will support the next generation of biotech startups in LA
