LA2050 Grants Challenge applications are open now through June 28th, 2024.

LA Chinatown Community Land Trust

We preserve and manage affordable housing in the LA Chinatown community to develop a long-term solution for preventing displacement and gentrification in our community that is increasingly becoming more unaffordable for our low-income, long-term, immigrant, and senior residents.


1 Submitted Idea

  • LIVE ·2023 Grants Challenge

    Empowering LA Chinatown: Building a Path to Community Ownership and Affordable Housing

    Chinatown residents are facing an increase in rent, evictions, landlord harassment and negligence and are being forced out of homes being sold to corporations. This project lays the foundation to eventually acquire buildings and provide tenants with the opportunity for ownership through the development of an organizational and development roadmap.would consist of community outreach and capacity-building, and a real estate strategy.
