Jail Guitar Doors
Jail Guitar Doors USA (JGD-USA) seeks a more fair and just America. A nonprofit organization, JGD-USA provides rehabilitative songwriting workshops to help incarcerated individuals develop essential life skills that will support them both while incarcerated and when they return to their community.
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Where the organization works
1 Submitted Idea
PLAY ·2020 Grants Challenge
Community Arts Programming & Outreach (CAPO) Project
JGD-USA’s Community Arts Programming & Outreach (CAPO) Project is a high-quality, innovative reenetry and diversion program for youth who have been engaged in the justice system. An extension of its existing music programs, the goal of the CAPO is to create arts opportunities that foster the positive socio-emotional, behavioral, and decision-making tools to help youth fight recidivism and prepare them for successful employment.