
International Association for Human Values

Through our educational programs, we foster the daily practice of human values – including a sense of connectedness and respect for all people and the natural environment, an attitude of non-violence, and an ethic of social service.


2 Submitted Ideas

  • LIVE ·2020 Grants Challenge

    Nonviolence Ambassadors of LA

    We will train 100 former gang members from across all neighborhoods of LA as Ambassadors of Nonviolence. The participants will be equipped with profound breath and meditation practices to heal themselves from trauma as well as with novel strategies to improve communication and conflict resolution skills. Graduates will be empowered to train community members in nonviolence practice and will host a Peace Innovation Summit in 2021 to promote entrepreneurial solutions to the socio-economic challenges in their communities.

  • LIVE ·2019 Grants Challenge
    🎉 Finalist

    Nonviolence Ambassador Certification Program

    Our program will educate participants (both LAPD officers and community members) in the theory and practice of Gandhian nonviolence using meditation techniques. Upon certification, the participants will be empowered to work together and develop innovative solutions to their community problems.
