Non-profit organization with independent 501(c)(3) status

House of Yahweh South Bay Outreach Center

The mission of the House of Yahweh’s South Bay Outreach Center is to serve people experiencing hardship, so they can attain greater fullness of life. To accomplish this end, the House of Yahweh’s South Bay Outreach Center commits to provide food, clothing, and other supportive services to direct and guide along the path to self-sufficiency.


1 Submitted Idea

  • LIVE ·2022 Grants Challenge

    Homelessness Prevention and Outreach (HPO)

    Our Homeless Prevention and Outreach Program (HPO) distributes food on a weekly basis to low-income families, sack lunches to the unhoused, and emergency food for those in need. HPO also provides replacement clothing, problem-solving assistance, and a mail service to the homeless as well as personal care products, furniture and small appliances, social services referrals, and health care outreach to both constituents. The program meets the immediate needs of the unhoused and prevents low-income families from slipping into homelessness.
