For profit business

GRID Logistics

GRID Logistics are proposers of a design build maintain and operate transportation infrastructure for containerized goods movement. GRID markets are the world's leading container trading gateways.

3 Submitted Ideas

  • CONNECT ·2016 Grants Challenge

    The GRID Project: Let's create 50K jobs building great things to reduce air pollution & FWY gridlock

    Cleantech infrastructure that connects container cargo between ships, trains, trucks and warehouses while adding value to people's lives all along Greater LA's trading corridors.

  • LIVE ·2015 Grants Challenge

    Freight Underground in MYLA2050

    GRID proposes a Demand-Risk Public Private Partnership whereby private investment replaces traditional tax-payer backed securities to build large scale transportation infrastructure. We connect port containers with inland freight distribution hubs comprising of a 3-pronged systems platform; 1)SuperDock, a new platform to load and unload container ships, 2)Freight Pipeline; an underground container shuttle under existing freeways connecting four counties, and 3)last mile truck feeder terminals.

  • LIVE ·2014 Grants Challenge

    GRID Project to Get Freight Containers Off Freeways

    Combine an advanced ship/train transloading facility with current rail lines & an underground shuttle train to move containers through LA