
Girl is NOT a 4 Letter Word

Girl is NOT a 4 Letter Word fights to gain momentum for girls in skateboarding, where female skaters are still an "afterthought" and are rarely seen in skateboard magazines, videos, and contests. We work to create female inclusive contests in LA, we also strive to create and achieve visual exposure so other girls know that "they can do it too"!


1 Submitted Idea

  • CONNECT ·2021 Grants Challenge

    Girl is NOT a 4 Letter Word Skateboarding Initiative

    Girl is NOT a 4 Letter Word is the go-to destination for any girl or womxn in skateboarding that wants to be heard, or just needs help or advice dealing with the “boys club”. GN4LW helps fund events for female skaters and donates products for girls who wish to skate but may not be able to afford to do so. We have an online website that promotes female and non-binary skaters & events daily, and we also work behind the scenes to encourage (and PUSH) large male-dominated skate companies to step up and support female riders.

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