Friends of the Los Angeles River
FoLAR strives for a swimmable, fishable, boatable, bikeable LA River through advocacy, education and wise stewardship.
Visit this organization’s website to learn more

5 Submitted Ideas
LEARN ·2024 Grants Challenge
Source-to-Sea: The LA River And Me
Source-to-Sea offers K-12 students access to immersive standards-based STEM education with tailored experiential learning across four touchpoints. Priority is given to schools with the highest % of low-income students (measured by % eligible for FRPM) – a group under-represented in STEM. We provide in-class curriculum, an interactive field trip to the LA River focusing students on the interconnectivity of our urban ecosystem and various STEM career paths, and a take-home toolkit for students and families to learn and build agency together.
LEARN ·2023 Grants Challenge
River Fellows: Accessing Nature and Jobs
FoLAR's paid LA River Fellowship provides equitable access to green spaces and pathways to eco-STEAM jobs for 9-11th grade students, with priority given to Title I schools and students adjacent to the LA River. Throughout the year-long program, Fellows will connect with eco-Professionals, conduct field research, complete a climate communication certification, lead professional events and presentations, and enjoy camping and kayaking in the LA River Watershed to make meaningful connections with LA ecosystems.
LEARN ·2023 Grants Challenge
·🎉 WinnerSource-to-Sea: The LA River And Me
Source-to-Sea offers K-12 students access to immersive standards-based STEM education with experiential learning experiences across four touchpoints. Priority is given to schools with the highest % of low-income students (measured by % eligible for FRPM) - a group historically under-represented in STEM. We provide in-class curriculum, a visit from our River Rover mobile-education center, and an interactive field trip to the LA River to focus students on the interconnectivity of our urban ecosystem and the possibilities of various STEM careers.
LIVE ·2022 Grants Challenge
Healthy Soil for Community and Climate
FoLAR will collaborate with The Dirty Lab in the Department of Environmental Sciences at the UCR to continue a two-year phytoremediation pilot program that is already underway along the LA River, while also engaging youth and the community in science and the civic process. The pilot program will determine plant-based (phyto) and fungus-based (myco) solutions to removing pollutants (remediation) on the contaminated Taylor Yard G2 parcel – leading to the restoration of a multi-beneficial ecosystem and the future development of a public park.
CONNECT ·2014 Grants Challenge
Connecting LA to its River
FoLAR connects people to the River through the Great LA River CleanUp and further engages the public to create a constituency for change.