

EveryoneOn is dedicated to creating social and economic opportunity by connecting low-income families to affordable internet service and computers, and delivering digital skills trainings. Since 2012, we’ve helped connect more than 784,000 people across the country.


4 Submitted Ideas

  • CONNECT ·2020 Grants Challenge

    Connected & Empowered Communities (CEC)

    CEC is a virtual digital skills training program for low-income adults and seniors. Facilitated by community college students, the virtual training program will ensure participants develop the digital literacy skills required to access critical services, employment opportunities, and educational resources found online. This program will also equip participants with affordable internet service and computers to ensure a robust learning experience. A virtual and multi-generational program will create new opportunities to connect, learn, and grow

  • CONNECT ·2018 Grants Challenge

    EveryoneOn Digital Equity Champions Initiative: Bringing Angelenos Online

    EveryoneOn will seek to identify, recruit and train community stakeholders in LA County with established touchpoints with residents to support access and enrollment to low-cost high speed internet.

  • LEARN ·2016 Grants Challenge

    Connect with Promise: Providing Internet Connectivity & Devices to Families in Public Housing

    EveryoneOn, in collaboration with AT&T. will facilitate Internet connectivity and devices for families living in public housing within Los Angeles’ designated Promise Zones.

  • LEARN ·2014 Grants Challenge

    Bridging the Divide in LA: Language and Digital Literacy Pilot

    We're working with Centro Latino and human-I-T to provide free computers, Internet service and literacy courses for low/non-literate adults.
