Epidaurus DBA Amity Foundation
Amity Foundation is dedicated to the inclusion and habilitation of people marginalized by addiction, trauma, criminality, incarceration, poverty, racism, sexism, homelessness and violence. We strive to improve health, and promote environmental, social and economic justice. Amity is committed to research regarding community building.
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1 Submitted Idea
- CREATE ·2024 Grants Challenge
AmityWorks Employment Services
For individuals with a history of homelessness and/or incarceration, reentering the workforce is a challenge due to lack of opportunity, time away from the labor market, and having a criminal record. To address this, Amity launched AmityWorks employment services to engage low-income LA County residents (adults age 18+) in vocational training leading to employment. Amity is a potential employer for trainees and intentionally recruits from the pool of training graduates.