
End Homelessness California DBA the Shower of Hope

End Homelessness California, DBA The Shower of Hope, is a 501c3 non-profit organization with the mission of building capacity and community engagement to support the most vulnerable population suffering housing insecurity, financial stress, and violence.


2 Submitted Ideas

  • LIVE ·2021 Grants Challenge

    The Shower of Hope

    With over 66,000 individuals experiencing homelessness in LA County, The Shower of Hope aims to not only provide shower services to assist individuals experiencing homelessness, but also to build community resource hubs in partnership with other service provider agencies (mental health, substance abuse recovery, housing) where individuals in need can receive hygiene, meals, dignity, and a path out of homelessness.

  • LEARN ·2021 Grants Challenge
    🎉 Winner

    Hope Housing for Students

    For so long, the story of LA has been of inequity and poverty for marginalized communities; the lifelong solution to breaking these cycles of marginalization is education and independence. Hope Housing for Students works towards fostering educational equity for community college students who are either experiencing homelessness or housing insecurity. We not only provide housing for these students, but also a nurturing environment where we mold the future civic, business, & cultural leaders of Los Angeles.