
Earthseed Lab

Earthseed Lab is a creative incubator and knowledge partner - a place for thinkers, builders and designers ready to transform LA toward just, healthy, climate-resilient futures. Our mission is to grow an ecosystem of citizen creators solving today's climate challenges while creating new paths forward to a climate-resilient Los Angeles.


1 Submitted Idea

  • CREATE ·2023 Grants Challenge

    Bloom LA - Guide for Emerging Climate-Solvers

    Bloom LA is a guide and campaign helping LA's emergent climate leaders and citizen creators establish career paths in climate resilience work rooted in LA communities. The guide provides immersive frameworks, tools and resources for exploring the vast and varied roles citizens need to play building climate solutions across the LA region. The goal of the project is to advance a workforce of thinkers, builders and problem solvers advancing climate solutions this decade.
