Covenant House California
Covenant House California is dedicated to serving all of God’s children with absolute respect and unconditional love… to help youth experiencing homelessness and to protect and safeguard all youth in need.
Visit this organization’s website to learn more

5 Submitted Ideas
CONNECT ·2024 Grants Challenge
Improving Our Ability to Heal
This project will allow young people experiencing homelessness to receive individual and group therapy year-round from a consistent group of therapist interns. As a result, at least 50% of the young people served at our shelter will improve their social and emotional well-being and transition to stability, upward mobility, and sustainability. Their voices, experiences, and inherent strengths, enhanced by healing therapy, will be critical to L.A. County's efforts to be a better, more inclusive place to live by 2050!
LIVE ·2023 Grants Challenge
Affordable Housing and Equitable Living for Young Angelenos Previously Experiencing Homelessness
Thriving communities depend on equity, inclusion, and the investment in the diverse people who live in them. Building the foundations of young people leaving homelessness and providing safe, affordable housing options is one of the most significant prevention strategies for reducing long-term and chronic homelessness. CHC's innovative youth- centered 12-Unit Affordable Housing Complex represents a vital step in ending youth homelessness and in reducing LA's poverty rate by 2050.
LIVE ·2022 Grants Challenge
Olive Tree Commons Affordable Youth Housing
Youth who have worked so hard to move beyond homelessness and trauma deserve more than being thwarted by a housing market that is inaccessible. To develop skills, strengths, ideas, and opinions, only to have no place to exercise them is unjust. The Olive Tree Commons provides affordable housing for formerly homeless youth – a safe place from which to discover the excitement of their next transition. Featuring soft-touch, optional, accessible resident services, residents of the 16 units are free to set off on their journey as young adults.
CREATE ·2021 Grants Challenge
·🎉 WinnerDigital Dove Lab: Animation Training and Studio
Youth – particularly youth of color - experiencing homelessness in L.A. deserve high-end training that will lead to careers far above the poverty line. L.A.’s entertainment/digital effects workforce and economy is in dire need of new, unique voices and talents. This program – the Digital Dove Lab: Animation Training and Studio – prioritizes the training of youth of color in the latest animation and digital effects processes as they permanently transition to FORMERLY homeless youth.
LIVE ·2016 Grants Challenge
·🎉 WinnerThe Precise Barber College
The Precise Barber College will provide pathways to careers for homeless youth - not just jobs - and combine the best of the for-profit and non-profit worlds for a socially conscious enterprise.