Council on American-Islamic Relations, Los Angeles
To enhance understanding of Islam, protect civil liberties, promote justice, and empower American Muslims.
Visit this organization’s website to learn more

2 Submitted Ideas
CONNECT ·2023 Grants Challenge
Gamechangers: Empowering Immigrant Youth, Building Legacies
Gamechangers is a training program that aims to empower Muslim immigrant youth to critically understand their world, effectively challenge injustice, and build legacies of positive change in their communities. Through a series of training sessions led by young professionals and activists, CAIR-LA will help immigrant students understand the social and political context of their own experiences, to explore their community history, and gain practical tools to develop leaders who are equipped to challenge the status quo.
CONNECT ·2022 Grants Challenge
Afghan Refugee Immigration Referral Service Platform
CAIR-LA has been at the forefront of assisting hundreds of Afghan refugees with rapid-response immigration assistance. . But Afghan arrivals need additional resources to become self-sustaining after they receive immigration support. Help establish a platform for referrals for all LA Afghan arrivals today.