
CLEAN Carwash Worker Center

CLEAN is a grassroots worker center that empowers carwasherxs, carwash workers, to make lasting changes in the carwash industry and in their communities. With over a decade of history in Los Angeles, CLEAN fights for the self-determination of immigrant and working-class people.


1 Submitted Idea

  • CREATE ·2023 Grants Challenge

    Moving Carwash Workers from Wage Equity to Entrepreneurship

    CLEAN's mission of social change and worker empowerment is fulfilled through grassroots organizing, strategic outreach, skills-building workshops & civic action. Through direct organizing, carwasherxs advocacy efforts around job safety, workplace hazards, wage rights, environmental protection and health initiatives. Over the next year, our 2-part strategy plan is to protect workers' wages in countywide cases stemming from the unusually long rainy season in LA in addition to training workers how to build their own mobile carwash businesses.
