City of Los Angeles Information Technology Agency
The City’s IT Agency works with City agencies and departments to develop world-class IT infrastructure and applications that provide our citizens, businesses, and visitors with the digital services.
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2 Submitted Ideas
- CONNECT ·2019 Grants Challenge
GoDigital! Digital Literacy Program
The City of LA is seeking funding to support its Digital Inclusion work, specifically the expansion of Digital & Data Literacy programming to Angelenos in underserved communities. Funding will support educational programs to equip under-connected Angelenos with the skills to actively engage with online and application driven City and other services. The education will be designed to ‘meet people where they are’, with respect to how they are currently using technology to gain online access.
- LEARN ·2018 Grants Challenge
GoDigital! LA’s Digital Literacy Program
This project focuses on erasing the Digital Divide in Los Angeles, underserved communities. The project will provide education about the importance of engaging online and how to do so safely.