
City of Glendora

The City of Glendora provides the citizens and business community with a full range of effective municipal services while maintaining our historical sense of community values.

2 Submitted Ideas

  • PLAY ·2024 Grants Challenge

    Safe Streets in Glendora

    With the support of the LA2050 Grants Challenge award, the City of Glendora is seeking to improve the crosswalk at Foothill Boulevard and Minnesota Avenue as the first project under our new Safe Streets Program. The crossing at Foothill Boulevard and Minnesota Avenue is significant because it connects seniors to the La Fetra Center and families to Finkbiner Park. The current pedestrian crossing signs are insufficient for the speed and volume of vehicular traffic along Foothill Boulevard, leading to pedestrians attempting to cross mid-block.

  • CONNECT ·2015 Grants Challenge

    Volunteer Glendora!

    The City of Glendora offers a variety of opportunities to its residents as well as those of surrounding communities, to volunteer within our parks, facilities and wilderness areas. The City would like to increase its volunteer programs in our Trails and Wilderness areas as well as individual projects by investing in an enclosed mobile tool trailer that would house various equipment needed for volunteer projects throughout the City. It is the goal of the City to get the community excited about