
Chances 4 Change, Inc.

Chances 4 Change, Inc.'s mission is to promote the health, economic stability, and civic engagement of justice-involved citizens in South Los Angeles, regardless of their history within the justice system, race, gender, sexual orientation, or religious beliefs.


3 Submitted Ideas

  • LEARN ·2024 Grants Challenge

    Chances 4 Change, Inc- Pathways 2 Stability Support Program

    The Chances 4 Change, Inc. - Pathways 2 Stability Support Program provides comprehensive support services to foster and systems-impacted youth experiencing homelessness. The program offers housing assistance, job training, and essential life skills to help participants achieve long-term stability and self-sufficiency.

  • LEARN ·2024 Grants Challenge

    Chances 4 Change, Inc- Pathways 2 Stability Support Program

    The Pathways 2 Stability Support Program provides a safe, caring, and positive environment for individuals transitioning out of challenging circumstances, such as homelessness, foster care, or incarceration. It addresses their developmental, educational, emotional, social, physical, and mental health needs. This comprehensive approach promotes personal growth, independence, and long-term self-sufficiency for young adults, ensuring they have the support necessary to thrive.

  • CREATE ·2023 Grants Challenge

    Chances 4 Change Re-Entry Resource Access Center

    The Chances 4 Change Re-Entry Resource Access Center will be designed as a one-stop hub that connects justice-involved citizens with as many re-entry services as possible, providing comprehensive supportive services that include but are not limited to case management, employment preparation, housing stabilization, behavior modification, financial literacy, personal growth, skill development, peer mentoring, and linkages/referrals for healthcare; 100% of our time and resources are allocated to this program.