
Centro CHA Inc.

Our mission to increase the quality source of programs and services that are dedicated to improve the social and economic development of low- income youth and families in Long Beach. A core area of our work is to foster support for health equity and improve overall well-being for many communities most impacted by community violence.


2 Submitted Ideas

  • LEARN ·2024 Grants Challenge

    Oner Long Beach Collaborative-Community Violence Intervention and Prevention Programs

    Centro CHA seeks to expand the CVIP efforts the West Long Beach to create improved health and safety for system impacted youth. With funding, Centro CHA will anchor the One Long Beach Collaborative CVIP Programs to establish safe routes to schools. In addition, Centro CHA will expand our after school and summer programming and Leadership Institute that will provide six months of training and support to 35 Latino and Black system impacted youth in Long Beach to lead community safety solutions and provide opportunities for summer employment.

  • CREATE ·2023 Grants Challenge

    Long Beach Youth Ready 2 Rise Ambassadors Training Program

    Program grant funds will go to support, a local collaborative approach in the City of Long Beach (the second largest city in LA County) to provide paid work experience, job training, and mentoring for high-risk youth and younger adults ages 16-24 and identified as disproportionately impacted by the justice system and violence, particularly among homicides, shootings, and aggravated assaults and achieve the overall goal to improve public health and safety and economic recovery. Partners include United Cambodian Community and Love Beyond Limits.
