We're still matching donations made via the LA2050 Ideas Hub!
For-profit organization


BLKNGLD highlights the innovativeness of the community unified with allies and champions for the people of the Antelope Valley We are consolidating all available resources for individuals, families, and aspiring, new or established businesses to thrive.

1 Submitted Idea

  • CREATE ·2024 Grants Challenge

    BLKNGLD Elevation Stations

    As a business owner, single mother of 5, that is gifted in many fields, I've faced many challenges. I have started and stopped so many times. Some factors get in the way like tending to the needs of family, lack of money... it's endless. I can do it all but have not had the resources to keep going. Our vision for the Elevation Station is to provide a welcoming environment for businesses from disadvantaged communities. Introduce accountability partners, and provide the culture which helps with mental wellness. We will provide what is missing.