
Black Women for Wellness

Black Women for Wellness is a non-profit committed to the empowerment, health, and well-being of Black women and girls.

  • Visit this organization’s website to learn more


3 Submitted Ideas

  • LEARN ·2023 Grants Challenge

    Resource Sharing to Support Foster Youth

    BWW will raise awareness about the California Earned Income Tax Credit (CalEITC), which offers support for low-income, working Californians, amongst foster youth. Via its Get Smart B4 U Get Sexy comprehensive sex education program for youth, BWW will forge new relationships with foster youth-facing organizations, table at community events, develop educational materials, and conduct digital outreach to share information about CalEITC. BWW will also provide reproductive justice training to professionals in foster youth-facing organizations.

  • CREATE ·2022 Grants Challenge
    🎉 Winner

    Increasing Food Access and Security for Black Women

    Black Women for Wellness and Golden State Opportunity will launch a collaborative pilot project designed to increase access to healthy and nutritious food for at least 35,000 low-income Black women in Los Angeles County over the next three to five years. We will share information about the thousands of dollars available to eligible families through the CalFresh program, while increasing public awareness of this important resource. We will also help women enroll in CalFresh and claim the funds needed to provide food for them and their children.

  • LIVE ·2018 Grants Challenge

    ONILATERAL INDUSTRIES - Preserving The Last of Humanity through Science

    A multimedia “Zombie Apocalypse” campaign to raise awareness and advance meaningful systemic change about the impact of climate justice on communities of color.
