Asian Americans for Housing and Environmental Justice
Asian Americans for Housing and Environmental Justice provides culturally competent, in-language support and immediate, direct aid, economic development to at-risk and unhoused BIPOC.
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3 Submitted Ideas
- CONNECT ·2023 Grants Challenge
Moving Forward
Asian Americans for Housing and Environmental Justice seeks to expand it's existing public transportations systems change initiative. With funding, we will create the Koreatown Regional Public Transportation Safety Collaborative, which will establish safe travel routes for linguistically and economically marginalized residents in Koreatown. In addition, we will expand our senior leadership training program to provide training and support for community led safety solutions.
- LIVE ·2022 Grants Challenge
Count the Uncounted: Unhoused AAPI
Unhoused Asian American Pacific Islanders are drastically undercounted by housing authorities and homeless service providers. Language and cultural barriers prevent unhoused AAPI from receiving shelter and housing. Our multilingual, multicultural campaign to Count the Uncounted AAPI is the first step in getting services and housing to homeless AAPI. Homeless authorities claim that there are 36 homeless AAPI in Koreatown. When the reality is that there are 700 plus including 200 LGBTQ+ Korean youth.
- LIVE ·2021 Grants Challenge
Reimagining Nano-Entrepreneurship Mutual Mentorship
Business and professional skills mentorship program for low-income, older and senior BIPOC LGBTQ+ to start-up or expand a nano-business. A nano-business is defined as having no full-time employees and one part-time owner operator. Examples of nano-businesses include a small house plant business, button making business, and recycling. The initial investment or cost to grow is $1000 or less. The return on investment after the first three months should be in the range of $100-$1000 per month. Beneficiaries will be part of an alumni network.