
211 LA

To connect community members to the health and human services they need by using every available technology; a highly-trained, empathetic, and motivated staff; access to an up-to-date comprehensive database of community services and programs; and continuously updated and upgraded tools and processes.

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1 Submitted Idea

  • CONNECT ·2021 Grants Challenge

    Inclusive LA - All Resources, Many Voices, One Home

    211 LA will create a virtual, multilingual portal that brings all Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Social Justice resources together in one home, engage organizations across the county to bring together and promote focused community events, a public arts and culture map, toolkits and best practices for businesses and employers, discrimination and hate reporting, and identify-appropriate service directories. Through the Inclusive LA portal, everyone will have access to the tools and resources they need to build an Inclusive LA, together.

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