Transforming Lives: Economic Empowerment for Displaced Communities
Tiyya empowers refugees, immigrants, and asylum seekers by prioritizing their economic mobility. Our comprehensive services focus on job placement and workforce readiness, enabling self-sustainability to thrive in their new communities.
What is the primary issue area that your application will impact?
Income inequality
In what stage of innovation is this project, program, or initiative?
Expand existing project, program, or initiative (expanding and continuing ongoing, successful work)
What is your understanding of the issue that you are seeking to address?
Our founder's journey began in a refugee camp before relocating to California at three years old. Growing up, she witnessed the challenging resettlement process, igniting her dedication to college and work readiness for all starting anew in America.
LA County is a leading destination for displaced individuals. Between March 2021 and May 2023, it welcomed approx. 74,854 asylum seekers, ranking it third highest in the U.S. Among our participants in LA, half are asylum seekers who often face challenges securing employment while awaiting case approvals.
All our participants live below the poverty level, and although many achieve financial self-sufficiency, none exceed 30% of the Area Median Income. Economic advancement is our priority, assisting participants with job placement creates sustainable pathways in their new communities. This often-overlooked aspect is vital for long-term settlement and the refugee crisis and increasing asylum seekers in LA highlights the urgency of this need.
Describe the project, program, or initiative this grant will support to address the issue.
Tiyya’s Economic Advancement program identifies and secures job opportunities for newly arrived refugees and immigrants over the age of 18. If job readiness is needed, we offer resume building and interview techniques. We collaborate with local businesses to place clients directly into the workforce and assist in recertifying their credentials from their home countries, allowing them to gain confidence and financial stability for sustainable resettlement. We are proud to share that in 2022 and 2023 combined, we secured close to $3 million in wages for our program participants.
Unique to Tiyya, we provide specialized programmatic support for refugees and former asylum seekers interested in culinary arts through our award-winning social enterprise, Flavors from Afar, located in East Hollywood. This venture transcends barriers through food, sharing the culinary traditions and stories of refugees with Los Angeles. Each month, Flavors partners with Tiyya to feature a different refugee or asylum seeker, who creates a restaurant-quality, authentic menu of traditional dishes. These chefs gain valuable work experience and receive a portion of the monthly sales. By removing barriers and providing a nurturing environment, we play a vital role in shaping the future of diverse culinary entrepreneurs.
Describe how Los Angeles County will be different if your work is successful.
Short term goals:
Implement a job placement program tailored to meet the needs of LA's expanding asylum-seeking population
Double participation in our 8-week free culinary program
Secure paid internships to facilitate employment history in LA
Conduct workshops to educate participants on certifications and business creation
Establish volunteer opportunities for coaching and mentoring in navigating the American work environment
Participate in LA Farmers Markets Long term goals:
A career development program for participants pursuing degrees related to their previous professions
Entrepreneurial support to chefs, facilitating the launch of businesses in LA
Forge partnerships with local organizations and govt. agencies to streamline access to loan opportunities Organize a job fair and culinary festival to involve our participants in the broader job market community
Feature more Top Chefs alongside Chef Jamie Lauren to enhance the quality of our workshops.
What evidence do you have that this project, program, or initiative is or will be successful, and how will you define and measure success?
The heart and soul of our work is in the success stories of participants who've built sustainable and comfortable lives in their new communities. With our support, many have overcome the daunting challenge of recertification in their professions from their home countries, while others have successfully started businesses. In 2023, our Economic Advancement program secured 41 job placements in 15 industries and provided culinary training to 20 clients. Job placements include 10 paid internships, five upskilling recertifications, and the development of one small business. In 2022 & 2023 combined, we secured close to $3 million in wages for our program participants, significantly improving their economic prospects.
In 2024, our Culinary program’s monthly workshops will host 5-10 people, totaling 40 participants for the year. Five of these participants are expected to create their own catering businesses. Over 50% of our chefs are active participants in Tiyya's economic advancement program
Approximately how many people will be impacted by this project, program, or initiative?
Direct Impact: 45.0
Indirect Impact: 15,000.0