Stories on the Ground: What Walking Looks Like for Transit Riders
Los Angeles Walks seeks funding to launch "Stories on the Ground," a video-storytelling project aimed at capturing and sharing the first and last mile experiences of LA Metro riders, with a focus on historically disinvested communities. This project will highlight the benefits and challenges faced by these communities, track the impact of recent policy changes regarding policing and street improvements, and advocate for continued investment in equitable transportation solutions.

What is the primary issue area that your application will impact?
Public transit
In what stage of innovation is this project, program, or initiative?
Pilot or new project, program, or initiative (testing or implementing a new idea)
What is your understanding of the issue that you are seeking to address?
The first and last mile of a transit journey is crucial for ensuring a seamless and safe experience for public transit users. However, in many historically disinvested communities in Los Angeles, these segments are fraught with challenges such as inadequate infrastructure, safety concerns, and limited accessibility. Recent policy changes aimed at improving policing practices and enhancing street infrastructure offer a unique opportunity to assess their impact and advocate for further improvements.
Describe the project, program, or initiative this grant will support to address the issue.
To document and share the first and last mile experiences of LA Metro riders through engaging video stories.
To uplift the voices of residents from historically disinvested communities, highlighting both benefits and challenges of their transit journeys.
To track and analyze the impact of recent policy changes on policing and street improvements.
To use the collected stories and data to advocate for sustained and equitable transportation policies.
Project Activities:
Community Engagement and Outreach:
Partner with community organizations in historically disinvested neighborhoods to recruit participants.
Host workshops to train community members in video storytelling techniques.
Video Storytelling:
Equip participants with video-storytelling tools and resources.
Collect and produce a series of video stories showcasing the first and last mile experiences of LA Metro riders.
Policy Impact Analysis:
Collaborate with policy experts to track and analyze the effects of recent changes in policing and street improvements.
Use video stories to illustrate the real-world impact of these policies on community members.
Advocacy and Dissemination:
Create a dedicated online platform to showcase the video stories and policy analysis.
Host community screenings and panel discussions to share findings and advocate for policy improvements.
Engage with local media to amplify the stories and reach a broader audience.
Describe how Los Angeles County will be different if your work is successful.
Enhanced Transportation Experience: Improved first and last mile routes will make public transit safer, more accessible, and efficient, encouraging greater usage and providing a more seamless journey for riders.
Empowered and Engaged Communities: By sharing their stories, community members will feel more engaged and have a stronger voice in transportation planning and advocacy, fostering a sense of ownership and active participation.
Informed and Effective Policy Making: Insights from the project will enable policymakers to make more informed, equitable transportation policies, addressing real-world challenges and ensuring targeted, impactful interventions.
Equitable Access to Opportunities: Addressing transportation barriers will enhance residents' access to jobs, education, healthcare, and services, reducing socioeconomic disparities and fostering a more inclusive Los Angeles County.
What evidence do you have that this project, program, or initiative is or will be successful, and how will you define and measure success?
Expected Outcomes:
A series of 5-10 compelling video stories capturing the diverse experiences of LA Metro riders.
A comprehensive report analyzing the impact of recent policy changes on policing and street improvements.
Increased awareness and engagement among policymakers, community members, and the general public regarding the transportation challenges and needs of historically disinvested communities.
Strengthened advocacy efforts for equitable transportation policies and continued investment in infrastructure improvements.
Approximately how many people will be impacted by this project, program, or initiative?
Direct Impact: 1,000.0
Indirect Impact: 15,000.0