2024 Grants Challenge

School-Based Support for Homeless Youth

Crete Academy's Harmony Program provides comprehensive support to homeless and low-income children in South Central Los Angeles. Our holistic approach integrates housing assistance, health care access, mental health services, personalized learning, and transportation. The program has demonstrated success in improving academic performance, increasing attendance, and enhancing well-being. This grant will support and expand these wrap-around services, ensuring long-term stability and success for our students and their families.


What is the primary issue area that your application will impact?

Affordable housing and homelessness

In what stage of innovation is this project, program, or initiative?

Expand existing project, program, or initiative (expanding and continuing ongoing, successful work)

What is your understanding of the issue that you are seeking to address?

Youth homelessness is an overlooked and urgent issue that is a large part of the homeless crisis in Los Angeles. According to the Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE), nearly 51,000 homeless students have been identified across the 80 public school districts and over 380 charter schools in Los Angeles County. In LAUSD alone, over 17,000 students are experiencing homelessness, representing about 3% of the district’s student population. This crisis disproportionately affects communities of color, with African American students greatly overrepresented. Homeless students face often relocations, lack of healthcare, and limited educational resources, leading to lower academic performance and higher dropout rates. The lack of stable housing worsens educational inequities, perpetuating cycles of poverty and marginalization. Addressing this issue is crucial for providing stable housing, comprehensive support, and equitable educational opportunities to ensure all students can succeed.

Describe the project, program, or initiative this grant will support to address the issue.

At Crete Academy, we witness the transformative power of integrated educational and support services for homeless students. One student, like many of our students, faced the harsh reality of living in a car with their family when they enrolled at Crete. Through our Comprehensive School-Based Support Program, we provided this student with a stable educational setting and connected their family to housing resources. The student’s parent attended our financial literacy workshops, securing stable housing within months, which allowed the student to excel in their STEAM classes. With over 30% of our students experiencing homelessness, we have the highest percentage of unhoused students among LAUSD schools. Our team understands the complexities of homelessness and its profound impact on education, enabling us to provide compassionate and effective support. We offer on-site health services, including regular check-ups and mental health counseling, ensuring students receive critical care without the typical barriers faced by homeless families. Homelessness in Los Angeles is at a crisis level, making comprehensive, integrated support services critical and urgent. Our program builds a foundation for long-term stability and success for our students by addressing their immediate needs and offering a path to a brighter future. This grant will enable us to expand our services, reach more families, ensure that every child succeeds, and continue to break the cycle of poverty in Los Angeles.

Describe how Los Angeles County will be different if your work is successful.

If Crete Academy's work is successful, Los Angeles County will see a substantial reduction in unhoused youth, breaking the cycle of poverty and preventing future adult homelessness. Crete combines high-quality education with comprehensive support services, addressing immediate needs and long-term stability. Our holistic approach equips homeless children with academic skills and life stability, ensuring they achieve economic self-sufficiency. As these children grow into self-reliant adults, they will contribute positively to the community, reducing the demand for emergency housing and social services. Unlike other organizations, Crete directly integrates health services, transportation, and housing support into our educational framework, making our approach uniquely effective and a sustainable solution. By fostering a generation of empowered individuals, Crete Academy will transform Los Angeles County into a place where every child can succeed and homelessness is significantly reduced.

What evidence do you have that this project, program, or initiative is or will be successful, and how will you define and measure success?

Crete Academy’s Comprehensive School-Based Support Program addresses the challenges faced by homeless students and families. We measure success through the educational and social services we provide. Academic Success: We track grades and test scores; our tutoring and STEAM programs return significant student improvement. Attendance Rates: We monitor attendance, aiming to reduce absenteeism, with free transportation providing consistent attendance. Housing Stability: Measuring the number of families we connect to housing resources, with successful housing placements indicating effectiveness. Mental Health Services: Improvements in reported mental health by students and families utilizing our health services reflect positive impact. Graduation Rates: We maintain a 100% graduation rate among our homeless students, indicating long-term success. Our data shows improvements in academics, attendance, and graduation rates, demonstrating our impact in breaking the cycle of poverty.

Approximately how many people will be impacted by this project, program, or initiative?

Direct Impact: 350.0

Indirect Impact: 800.0