We're still matching donations made via the LA2050 Ideas Hub!
2024 Grants Challenge

Safe Homes, Warm Meals, Brighter Future

Located in the heart of Hollywood, the Wallis House is a 36-bed residence for women and children experiencing homelessness in Los Angeles. For the 200 individuals who call Wallis House home each year, their experiences have been transformative in fostering more stable and healthy lives. LA2050 funds will help provide nutritious meals and Nutritional Counseling Workshops, empowering women to take their health and well-being into their own hands by giving them the education and training needed to support them in their journey to independence.


What is the primary issue area that your application will impact?

Affordable housing and homelessness

In what stage of innovation is this project, program, or initiative?

Expand existing project, program, or initiative (expanding and continuing ongoing, successful work)

What is your understanding of the issue that you are seeking to address?

Los Angeles has one of the largest homeless populations in the nation. Results from the Los Angeles Homeless Count of 2023 reveals that among unhoused families, 58% of individuals are women and 54% are children under 18. Motherhood is challenging but raising children while living on the street presents additional challenges. Unhoused families often experience more barriers in accessing food, education, healthcare, and a supportive community. Wallis House addresses these barriers to social determinants of health for both mother and children, impacting multiple generations at once. Studies show food-insecure children are 90% more likely to have fair or poor health rather than good or excellent health; 31% more likely to spend time in the hospital; and 76% more likely to have problems in cognitive, language and behavioral development.Our solutions to homelessness go beyond housing; we want to give them the tools needed for independent living.

Describe the project, program, or initiative this grant will support to address the issue.

Wallis House serves women and their children, providing them with safe housing, access to mental and physical health services, and support in transitioning out of homelessness. Operating 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, as many as 36 women and 50 children call Wallis House home on any given night. Wallis House offers nearly 30,000 bed-nights of secure shelter as well as:
· Safety & Security – a safe and secure environment where residents can feel protected and at ease. · Community Support/Engagement & Recreation – opportunities to connect with others facing similar challenges to build a sense of belonging and mutual support. · Access to Mental Health Services – mental health services to support emotional well-being and navigate mental health challenges through counseling, therapy, and support. · Education Support & Services for Children – help with school enrollment and tutoring services. · Access to Medical and Dental Services & Hygiene and Health Supplies – healthcare services to empower women to take control of their overall health and well-being.
· Empowerment & Resources – provides resources and support, such as job training programs and financial literacy classes, to move residents towards long-term stability. Aviva’s government contracts provides revenue to house women but do not cover the costs of keeping their children housed and fed alongside them. All expenses related to children are fundraised through grants, donations, and events.

Describe how Los Angeles County will be different if your work is successful.

Wallis House helps families leave life on the streets behind and create stable and healthy futures for themselves. In 2023, Wallis House assisted 20 families in successfully transitioning from homelessness into permanent housing. An additional 9 families exited Wallis House into another shelter or interim shelter program. Without Wallis House, these women and children might still be living on the streets, in danger, and at risk of becoming chronically homeless. Fewer chronically homeless individuals will increase safety in Hollywood, making it an ideal place to live, maintaining tourism, and ensuring future prosperity of our neighborhood. Wallis House is the only shelter specifically serving women and children in Hollywood. Aviva has a long history in the Hollywood community, and is a place for volunteers to be of service to their community. Each year, 500 community members volunteer their time to Aviva, enriching the lives of both Wallis House residents and volunteers alike.

What evidence do you have that this project, program, or initiative is or will be successful, and how will you define and measure success?

Wallis House utilizes a holistic approach and relies on analysis of individual service plans and case manager feedback to measure the impact of services. Initial assessments are completed upon intake to determine clients strengths and barriers and collaboratively completed with resident input. We also administer surveys throughout resident stays and at exit, seeking perspectives on physical and emotional security, therapeutic care, support for educational and work opportunities, access to medical care, quality of the physical residence, and food program. Wallis House is considered one of Aviva’s most successful programs, as determined through resident satisfaction regarding quality of services, high services utilization rates, and resident progress as tracked in their individual service plans.In 2023, Wallis House served 200 unduplicated individuals—80 women and 120 children. Of the families we served, 20 successfully transitioned into permanent housing.

Approximately how many people will be impacted by this project, program, or initiative?

Direct Impact: 200.0

Indirect Impact: 2,300.0