2024 Grants Challenge

Produce Powerhouse - a collaborative food hub empowering local farmers

The Lopez Urban Farm "Produce Powerhouse" empowers local farmers and creators with tools for processing fruits and vegetables through the addition of a central kitchen and processing hub to the 3 acre farm. This collaborative hub breaks barriers, offers workshops, and fosters entrepreneurship. With the addition of a Red Earth Oven, it enhances culinary skills, preserves culture, and boosts economic opportunities for Native communities. This initiative also bolsters food security and backs the local distribution of 200,000 lbs of food per year.


What is the primary issue area that your application will impact?

Food insecurity and access to basic needs

In what stage of innovation is this project, program, or initiative?

Expand existing project, program, or initiative (expanding and continuing ongoing, successful work)

What is your understanding of the issue that you are seeking to address?

We seek to address significant environmental and social challenges in Pomona, particularly in disadvantaged census block groups. The area is predominantly composed of people of color (92%), with a significant Hispanic population (77%), and faces severe educational and language barriers. Climate change and pollution are critical threats, with extreme heat days expected to triple by midcentury and high levels of particulate matter, ozone pollution, lead paint exposure, and traffic proximity. According to the California Healthy Places Index (HPI), Pomona is less healthy than 76% of California cities. Census Tract 4025.01, where Lopez Urban Farm is located, is in the third percentile of health, indicating poorer conditions than 97% of other tracts. Only 31.7% of residents in this tract live above the federal poverty level. According to a report by the LA County Public Health Department, residents are only half as likely to live near essential food outlets compared to other LA communities.

Describe the project, program, or initiative this grant will support to address the issue.

The project addresses the issues through its central kitchen and processing hub, which promotes local food production and distribution. By providing a collaborative space equipped with essential tools and resources, the project aims to catalyze positive change within the local food system, fostering economic development, promoting food sovereignty, and strengthening community resilience.
Processing food on-site significantly reduces transportation emissions associated with conventional food supply chains. Moreover, the project supports urban farmers with resources for sustainable agriculture practices such as organic farming and water conservation. In addition to promoting sustainable farming techniques, the project educates the Pomona community on environmental stewardship. By increasing access to locally grown food, particularly in food deserts where supermarkets are scarce, the project fosters climate resilience and encourages healthier, sustainable lifestyles. Through educational programs and hands-on workshops, residents learn about composting, water conservation, organic farming methods, and healthy cooking. These initiatives empower individuals to make informed choices that support environmental sustainability. By building awareness and skills within the community, the project not only addresses immediate food security concerns but also cultivates a lasting commitment to sustainable practices.

Describe how Los Angeles County will be different if your work is successful.

Our project at Lopez Urban Farm will bring significant positive changes to Los Angeles County. By establishing a central kitchen and processing hub, we enhance access to fresh, locally grown food in underserved areas like Pomona, reducing reliance on long-distance food transportation and lowering associated greenhouse gas emissions. Supporting urban farmers with resources for sustainable agriculture practices will increase local food production, contributing to a more sustainable food system. Educational programs on environmental stewardship and nutrition will empower residents to make healthier and more sustainable choices, reducing diet-related diseases. Community involvement will foster resilience and sustainability, creating a more equitable and environmentally responsible food landscape county-wide.

What evidence do you have that this project, program, or initiative is or will be successful, and how will you define and measure success?

We measure the impact of our work primarily by the pounds of food distributed annually. Last year, we successfully grew and distributed 100,000 lbs of food. With the implementation of our new central kitchen and processing hub at Lopez Urban Farm, we aim to double this. By tracking the quantity of locally grown produce reaching underserved communities, we gauge our effectiveness in addressing food insecurity and improving access to fresh, healthy food.
The impact of this project will be measured by tracking the number of people utilizing the kitchen facilities and the success of cohorts completing training programs. Monitoring kitchen usage will assess community engagement and the practical application of our initiatives. Successfully training cohorts will demonstrate our effectiveness in equipping participants with skills in sustainable agriculture and culinary practices.

Approximately how many people will be impacted by this project, program, or initiative?

Direct Impact: 1,000.0

Indirect Impact: 10,000.0