2024 Grants Challenge

Pasadena Ushers Program (PUPs) - Creative Workforce Development

The Pasadena Ushers Program (PUPs) provides Art and Creative workforce development training to currently enrolled students from Pasadena City College. The PUPs are paid participants immediately integrated into the Pasadena Playhouse ecosystem as Front of House staff and ambassadors to Pasadena Playhouse patrons throughout the mainstage production season. PUPs build a creative workforce skillset by shadowing crew and administration, participating in workplace training seminars, mentorship, and networking with current industry professionals.


What is the primary issue area that your application will impact?

Access to tech and creative industry employment

In what stage of innovation is this project, program, or initiative?

Expand existing project, program, or initiative (expanding and continuing ongoing, successful work)

What is your understanding of the issue that you are seeking to address?

The Pasadena Playhouse and PUPs are on a mission to combat toxic misconceptions about careers in theater arts. By separating wealth from governance and benefit, we are dedicated to engaging diverse creative artists and administrators into our community and our organization, onstage and off. “Theater for everyone” is not just a slogan; it's a core tenet of the Pasadena Playhouse. To provide meaningful opportunities for young creative theater-makers and arts administrators, we are committed to removing socio-economic and racial barriers that have plagued more traditional arts institutions.

Describe the project, program, or initiative this grant will support to address the issue.

The Pasadena Playhouse PUPs has been a resounding success, creating pathways to employment and mentorship opportunities for each of our PUPs participants. In the PUPs first year, we partnered with the Pasadena City College to identify passionate artmakers that would benefit from onsite job training and mentorship. Each PUP is assigned a certain amount of hours (up to 30 maximum) per week, per season, for administrative work, mentorship/shadowing, monthly networking events, and individual guidance based on the students’ area of interest (lighting, costume design, administration, fundraising, production management, etc.). With the level of success in the 2024 fiscal year and continued interest from Pasadena City College and our current PUP participants, we are proud to announce our plans to expand our programming opportunities by building deeper relationships with other colleges and young career professionals across Los Angeles County.

Describe how Los Angeles County will be different if your work is successful.

PUPs creates pathways for theater makers to train and express their vision, voice, and capabilities as our next-generation artistic leaders. PUPs participants represent the rich diversity of the Los Angeles community. By removing barriers that traditionally made a career in the arts nearly unattainable to all but a select few, we have opened the door to Greater Los Angeles by making “theater for everyone,” a reality. Visibility in the arts is paramount and the Pasadena Playhouse and our PUPs continue to drive that point home. Our PUPs are an example of a young professional team that represents the intersections of identity and culture. Scaling the PUPs program by incorporating more local colleges, universities, and trade schools will ensure that more opportunities are available to incredible young creatives who might not otherwise have access to the job training necessary to pursue a career in the arts and entertainment industry for which Greater Los Angeles is known for and lauded.

What evidence do you have that this project, program, or initiative is or will be successful, and how will you define and measure success?

Our most important measure of success is the reports from our PUPs participants. Current participants have responded with overwhelming enthusiasm to the program in individual check-ins. We will continue to measure success through regular check-ins and post-program surveys after our pilot year in August 2024. All 5 participants have expressed interest in returning for an entire year, a testament to the program's impact. Pasadena City College has agreed to a continued partnership into a full year of employment, programming, and support for the PUPs. The PUP ushers have been a welcome addition to the Playhouse culture and enthusiastically praised by patrons and their fellow Playhouse workers.

Approximately how many people will be impacted by this project, program, or initiative?

Direct Impact: 7.0

Indirect Impact: 112,000.0