Neighbor-led Community Housing Project
LA Más’ Community Housing Project aims to transform housing in Northeast Los Angeles by making it stable, permanently affordable, and community-driven. At the heart of our initiative is solidarity with those most affected—working-class renters of color—while securing and stewarding property from long-term owners committed to off-market sales. Together, we'll reimagine housing affordability by developing six housing projects for 18+ families and create an inclusive community where everyone can thrive.

What is the primary issue area that your application will impact?
Affordable housing and homelessness
In what stage of innovation is this project, program, or initiative?
Expand existing project, program, or initiative (expanding and continuing ongoing, successful work)
What is your understanding of the issue that you are seeking to address?
Our current system of racial capitalism prioritizes individual benefit over collective well-being, extracts and hoards resources, and exploits and excludes working-class people of color. In Northeast Los Angeles, this manifests starkly in the gentrifying neighborhoods where communities of color, historically marginalized and pushed into under-resourced areas, are now being displaced by profit-driven development. The housing market treats 'home' as a commodity rather than a basic need. The average income for our residents is $1300/month while the average rent is over $2200.
Displacement disrupts the social fabric of these neighborhoods, breaking up support networks and erasing the cultural and historical presence of these communities. Traditional affordable housing solutions, often reliant on tax credits, do not adequately address these issues as they do not prioritize long-term residents and can be inflexible and slow to implement.
Describe the project, program, or initiative this grant will support to address the issue.
The Community Housing Project focuses on creating affordable, stable, and community-stewarded housing, addressing the root causes of displacement and fostering long-term community resilience in Northeast LA.
Project Components:
1. Off-Market Property Acquisitions:
Strategy: Purchase homes from long-time property owners willing to sell off-market to LA Más. This secures properties at lower costs and prioritizes housing for long-term residents who might otherwise be displaced.
Impact: Maintains the community’s social fabric and provides stability for residents facing displacement pressures.
2. Community Engagement through NELACHA:
Strategy: Engage over 80 community members in the Northeast LA Community Housing Alliance (NELACHA) through bi-monthly meetings. These gatherings foster collective decision-making and strengthen community bonds.
Impact: Empowers residents and ensures their voices are central in housing decisions.
3. Promotores Program:
Strategy: Contract and support 10 stipended promotores to engage their neighbors, raising awareness and gathering support for community housing initiatives.
Impact: Enhances community involvement and grassroots support.
4. Site Analysis and Development:
Strategy: Conduct financial analysis on 10+ sites to determine the best pathways for housing affordability and develop a pipeline of six housing projects, providing homes for 18+ working-class families.
Impact: Ensures the efficient use of resources and maximizes housing availability.
Describe how Los Angeles County will be different if your work is successful.
Our success will create a more equitable, inclusive, and resilient Los Angeles County in the following ways:
Stable Communities: Working-class communities of color in Northeast LA will remain rooted, fostering stability and resilience.
Affordable Housing: There will be more affordable, community-stewarded housing units, reducing displacement and ensuring long-term affordability.
Economic Resilience: Stable housing will enable residents to contribute to and benefit from the local economy, enhancing economic resilience and reducing poverty.
Innovative Housing Models: Success will showcase non-traditional housing models, inspiring broader adoption and systemic change in affordable housing.
Reduced Displacement: Prioritizing housing preservation will lessen displacement due to gentrification and market pressures.
Strengthened Social Fabric: Residents staying in their communities will enhance cohesion, support networks, and collective well-being.
What evidence do you have that this project, program, or initiative is or will be successful, and how will you define and measure success?
To measure the impact of our expanding initiative, we focus on three key outcomes:
1. Increased NELACHA Membership
Outcome: 80+ community members actively participating in bi-monthly Northeast LA Community Housing Alliance (NELACHA) meetings.
Measurement: Document attendance and analyze retention and engagement levels.
Evidence: Currently, we have 40+ regular participants, showing positive progress.
2. Inspiring Property Owners
Outcome: Inspire 10+ property owners to sell properties off-market to LA Más.
Measurement: Track new property owners engaging with our program post-outreach.
Evidence: Engagement from 6 property owners indicates growing support.
3. Housing Projects in the Pipeline
Outcome: Conduct financial analyses on 10+ sites, aiming to develop 6 housing projects for 18+ working-class families.
Measurement: Track the number of sites LA Más acquires or helps steward.
Evidence: First property acquisition is in progress this summer, with analyses underway for multiple sites.
Approximately how many people will be impacted by this project, program, or initiative?
Direct Impact: 144.0
Indirect Impact: 250.0