2024 Grants Challenge

Neighborhood Urban Rejuvenation and Tree Restoration (NURTR)

Idea by hypha

This project aims to restore 50 acres of degraded land in Los Angeles through community-driven activities, enhancing ecological resilience and community engagement. Combining hands-on restoration with educational workshops empowers residents to participate in environmental stewardship actively. This initiative aligns with LA2050's goals to create sustainable, vibrant communities by improving green spaces, promoting environmental education, and fostering community involvement.​.

What is the primary issue area that your application will impact?

Green space, park access, and trees

In what stage of innovation is this project, program, or initiative?

Pilot or new project, program, or initiative (testing or implementing a new idea)

What is your understanding of the issue that you are seeking to address?

Los Angeles faces critical environmental challenges: degraded green spaces, poor air and water quality, and limited community engagement in ecological stewardship. Climate change worsens these issues, leading to droughts, wildfires, and heat waves that harm ecosystems and residents' health.
This project tackles these problems with a community-building, hands-on approach. Imagine transforming barren land into lush, thriving green spaces with community help! We'll get our hands dirty restoring 50 acres and involving thousands of people in fun, engaging activities to rejuvenate our environment and create a vibrant, connected community. Educational workshops will empower residents with the knowledge and skills to sustain these efforts.
This initiative isn’t just about planting local trees and other native plants; it’s about cultivating excitement and ownership for a greener LA. Let’s make sustainability a shared adventure, aligning with LA2050's vision for a vibrant, resilient city!

Describe the project, program, or initiative this grant will support to address the issue.

This is designed to transform degraded urban and natural spaces in Los Angeles into forested lands. By restoring 50 acres of land, we aim to tackle environmental degradation, improve air and water quality, and combat urban heat island effects. This project will engage community members in hands-on restoration activities, fostering a sense of ownership and connection to their environment, wherein everyone walks away with new knowledge and skills.
Participants will join fun, interactive events such as tree planting, soil restoration, and habitat creation, turning these activities into community celebrations. Educational workshops will equip residents with the knowledge and skills needed to sustain these efforts, promoting long-term environmental stewardship.
Through this project, we aim to create a network of green spaces that not only enhance biodiversity and ecosystem health but also provide residents with beautiful, accessible areas for recreation and relaxation. This initiative aligns with LA2050's vision to make Los Angeles the best place to connect, create, live, learn, and play, ensuring a greener, healthier, and more resilient city for all.

Describe how Los Angeles County will be different if your work is successful.

If we succeed, LA County will have taken a needed step toward becoming a beacon of sustainability and community resilience. Transformed green spaces will serve as natural sanctuaries, reducing urban heat islands and improving air and water quality. Community-driven efforts will turn previously neglected areas into vibrant parks and gardens, fostering biodiversity and ecological health.
Residents will experience improved physical and mental health from increased access to green spaces and recreational areas. Educational workshops will ignite a culture of sustainability, encouraging residents to adopt eco-friendly practices in their daily lives.
Beyond environmental benefits, the project will strengthen social ties as community members collaborate on restoration efforts. This collective action will empower residents, particularly in underserved areas, to actively shape their environment. Green infrastructure will also enhance the county's resilience to heatwaves and floods.

What evidence do you have that this project, program, or initiative is or will be successful, and how will you define and measure success?

1. Environmental Metrics:
Acreage Restored: Restore 50 acres, tracked via site surveys and GIS mapping.
Biodiversity Increase: Monitor species diversity and abundance pre- and post-restoration using ecological surveys.
Air and Water Quality: Measure improvements through standardized environmental tests.
2. Community Engagement:
Participation Rates: Engage at least 500 community members, recorded through event sign-ups.
Volunteer Hours: Track total volunteer hours contributed.
3. Educational Impact:
Workshops Conducted: Organize at least 10 educational workshops.
Knowledge Gain: Assess participants' knowledge before and after workshops using surveys.
4. Social Impact:
Community Feedback: Collect feedback through interviews and focus groups.
Health Benefits: Track changes in health indicators through participant self-reports.
5. Long-Term Sustainability:
Maintenance Plans: Develop maintenance plans for restored areas.
Continued Engagement: Establish a community stewardship program.

Describe the role of collaborating organizations on this project.

SAMO - Deanna Armbruster
Site Selection: Access to restoration sites.
Volunteer Engagement: Mobilize volunteers.
Compliance: Ensure permits and regulatory compliance.
NPS - Joseph Algiers
Expertise: Knowledge in restoration and habitat creation.
Monitoring: Track progress and impact assessments.
Resources: Provide tools and materials.
Outreach: Develop educational workshops.
Earthed - Christabel Reed
Wellbeing: Integrate mindfulness practices.
Workshops: Lead holistic and restoration workshops.
Engagement: Involve community in environmental health.
Content: Create educational materials.
Collaborative Efforts with hypha
Planning: Collaborate on timelines and resources.
Events: Co-host planting days and workshops.
Reporting: Compile progress reports.

Approximately how many people will be impacted by this project, program, or initiative?

Direct Impact: 500.0

Indirect Impact: 5,000.0