2024 Grants Challenge

LA Youth Influencers + Digital Stewards

CuratedLA's Youth Influencer + Digital Stewards program empowers LA high school students with digital marketing skills, partnering with local businesses and influencers to create engaging content. This initiative provides real-world experience, supports businesses with free exposure, and fosters community connections. The grant will enhance youth engagement, business visibility, and community involvement. Students will collaborate with major brands, receive mentorship from influencers, and involve parents for transparency and support.


What is the primary issue area that your application will impact?

Youth economic advancement

In what stage of innovation is this project, program, or initiative?

Pilot or new project, program, or initiative (testing or implementing a new idea)

What is your understanding of the issue that you are seeking to address?

My understanding of the issue we are seeking to address revolves around the toxic impact of social media on high school youth, including comparison, cyberbullying, and digital psychosis. My upcoming novel, "Unfiltered Feeds: Direct Messages of Hope," explores how social media can be a powerful tool when used to follow feeds that nurture the soul. My framework article on digital psychosis and school shootings, featuring insights from the New York Attorney General's Office and their Report on the Buffalo Shooting, highlights the need for Section 230 reforms to prevent live stream shootings. CuratedLA's Youth Influencer + Digital Stewards program aims to counteract these negative effects by empowering students with digital marketing skills, fostering positive online communities, and humanizing online personalities offline. This initiative provides real-world experience, supports local businesses, and involves parents to ensure transparency and engagement, driving positive change in LA.

Describe the project, program, or initiative this grant will support to address the issue.

Technology and Resources: The grant will allow us to provide students with the necessary technology and resources to excel in their roles as digital stewards. This includes access to high-quality cameras, editing software, and other tools required for content creation. By removing financial barriers, we can ensure that all students, regardless of their background, have the opportunity to participate and succeed in the program.
Marketing and Advertising Campaigns: A significant portion of the grant will be allocated to marketing and advertising campaigns that highlight the positive stories and successes of our participants. By showcasing their work and the impact of the program, we can attract more local businesses and influencers to join our initiative. These campaigns will also promote the importance of positive digital engagement and the benefits of supporting local communities.
Community Events and Workshops: With the grant, we can organize community events and workshops that bring together students, parents, local businesses, and influencers. These events will serve as platforms for sharing knowledge, building connections, and celebrating the successes of our participants. By fostering a sense of community, we can create a supportive environment that encourages positive digital engagement.

Describe how Los Angeles County will be different if your work is successful.

If our CuratedLA Youth Influencer + Digital Stewards program succeeds, Los Angeles will see significant positive changes. High school students will gain digital marketing skills, fostering a responsible social media culture and reducing cyberbullying. Local businesses will benefit from increased visibility and deeper community connections. The program will enhance family involvement, promote positive online content, and inspire hope. Community engagement will rise, with residents actively participating in local initiatives. This cultural shift will lead to sustainable growth and innovation, positioning Los Angeles as a model for other cities. Ultimately, LA will become a more empowered, connected, and positive community, driving long-term prosperity and setting a new standard for digital literacy and social media engagement.

What evidence do you have that this project, program, or initiative is or will be successful, and how will you define and measure success?

Measuring Impact:
The CuratedLA Youth Influencer + Digital Stewards program quantifies impact through metrics like social media engagement rates, website traffic to business pages, and increased foot traffic. Qualitatively, feedback from students, mentors, and businesses illustrates skill development and enhanced community engagement.
Evidence of Effectiveness:
Early signs include improved digital literacy among students, enhanced business visibility and engagement, and a shift towards positive online interactions. These outcomes demonstrate initial success in achieving program objectives.
Defining Success:
Success entails measurable growth in student skills, tangible business benefits, and positive community feedback on digital literacy and social media culture improvements. Continuous evaluation ensures our approach remains effective and adaptive.

Approximately how many people will be impacted by this project, program, or initiative?

Direct Impact: 500.0

Indirect Impact: 250,000.0