2024 Grants Challenge

GRACE Community Kitchen: Feeding Immigrants, Fueling Dreams

GRACE Community Kitchen provides free nutritious groceries to immigrant families from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) who are struggling to make ends meet in Los Angeles. Along with LA2050's support, we aim to serve 1,750 individuals monthly, delivering cultural staples that nourish bodies and heal souls. By alleviating food insecurity, GRACE empowers resilient MENA immigrants to build brighter futures for their new lives. Delivering food from home away from home also fosters social connections and instills a sense of belonging.


What is the primary issue area that your application will impact?

Food insecurity and access to basic needs

In what stage of innovation is this project, program, or initiative?

Expand existing project, program, or initiative (expanding and continuing ongoing, successful work)

What is your understanding of the issue that you are seeking to address?

GRACE seeks to address the pressing challenges that Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) immigrants face when building new lives in the United States. MENA immigrants, many fleeing instability and persecution, arrive in America with diverse needs - from basic necessities like food and housing, to navigating complex education, employment and legal systems. In 2022, 19% of MENA immigrants lived in poverty compared to 12% of U.S.-born residents. Language barriers, cultural differences, and lack of social capital exacerbate these struggles. MENA immigrants need holistic support to not only survive, but thrive as they settle in the U.S. That is why our food pantry is the first step in our holistic approach to immigrant empowerment. With the right foundation, these resilient newcomers can become integral to LA's social and economic fabric. As global conflicts continue to displace MENA families, the urgency to welcome and empower new immigrants has never been greater.

Describe the project, program, or initiative this grant will support to address the issue.

GRACE Community Kitchen is a cornerstone of our holistic approach to supporting MENA immigrants in Los Angeles. We provide free, nutritious groceries to 1,750 individuals each month, tailoring our offerings to include cultural staples that bring comfort and familiarity to those navigating a new home.
Our food pantry goes beyond simple sustenance. It serves as a welcoming community hub where immigrants can access additional resources, connect with others who share their experiences, and find a sense of belonging. Our pantry serves as a gateway to GRACE's wrap-around services. We connect immigrants to English classes, job training, and legal support – tools that enable long-term stability. By building trust through our food pantry, we can guide more immigrants toward these transformative resources.
What sets GRACE's approach apart is our deep understanding of the MENA immigrant experience. As an immigrant-led organization, we intimately know the challenges of starting anew. We meet our clients where they are, providing judgment-free support that honors their resilience and aspirations.
Ultimately, GRACE Community Kitchen is more than a source of essential nutrients – it's a testament to the power of community care. By alleviating food insecurity and fostering social connections, we lay the foundation for MENA immigrants to build brighter futures in LA. With LA2050's support, we can deepen our impact, reaching more families and strengthening our city's vibrant tapestry.

Describe how Los Angeles County will be different if your work is successful.

If successful, GRACE Community Kitchen will help create an LA County where all residents can access the nourishment and support to thrive. Short-term, we'll expand to serve 2,000 MENA immigrants monthly, alleviating hunger and enabling stability. By connecting immigrants to our wrap-around services, we'll see more community members gaining English skills, employment, and legal footing.
Long-term, as we scale to serve 5,000 monthly by 2030, we'll cultivate an interdependent MENA community where newcomers are uplifted by those who came before. This ripple effect of empowerment will foster belonging and resilience across generations.
Ultimately, GRACE Community Kitchen will contribute to a more equitable, inclusive Los Angeles County – one where all residents, native-born and immigrant alike, can access the resources and opportunities they need to flourish. By nourishing bodies and souls, we will help write a new story for LA – one of shared prosperity and brilliant diversity.

What evidence do you have that this project, program, or initiative is or will be successful, and how will you define and measure success?

GRACE has been a lifeline for LA's MENA immigrants since 1980. Last year alone, we served 21,000 individuals, distributing 600,000+ lbs of culturally-sensitive groceries. Our impact extends beyond numbers - it's in the stories of resilience. Like Mariam, a widowed mother who found solace at our pantry during her darkest days. Or George, who accessed job training through our referrals and now gives back as a volunteer.
But the need is growing. This year, we saw a 20% increase in demand. With a waiting list of 500+ families, we know we must do more. That's why we're committed to expanding our reach. By 2025, we aim to serve 30,000 yearly and replicate our model in underserved neighborhoods.
Our vision? An LA where no immigrant goes hungry, and all can access resources to thrive. With our strong community partnerships, we're poised to make this a reality. LA2050's support will catalyze our growth, enabling us to nourish more families and cultivate a more connected MENA community.

Approximately how many people will be impacted by this project, program, or initiative?

Direct Impact: 21,000.0

Indirect Impact: 50,400.0