2024 Grants Challenge

Equitable Access to Dental Health for Children and Families

Access to affordable dental care is out of reach for too many children. A happy, thriving life starts with taking care of a child’s basic needs, which includes living free of dental disease and tooth pain. San Gabriel Valley Foundation for Dental Health partners with dental schools, volunteer dental professionals, community-based organizations, and public schools throughout the region to offer equitable access to high-quality low-cost dental care, hands-on dental student training, culturally responsive educational outreach, and free screenings.


What is the primary issue area that your application will impact?

Health care access

In what stage of innovation is this project, program, or initiative?

Expand existing project, program, or initiative (expanding and continuing ongoing, successful work)

What is your understanding of the issue that you are seeking to address?

Access to affordable dental care is out of reach for far too many children. Oral health problems are most acute among low-income families, as scarce resources can rarely be devoted to routine, yet critical, dental care. Economically disadvantaged families often lack paid time off for medical appointments and may be unaware of the importance of preventive care. Many are unable to bring children for dental treatment until they are in so much pain they cannot attend school, resulting in lost learning. Because many children’s dental care experiences involve pain, their fear and avoidance of the dentist grows, and oral health issues are compounded. Children and families treated in our clinic live at least 100% below the Federal Poverty Line and 80% lack dental insurance. Most of our first-time patients have only ever visited a dentist for emergencies, and many arrive with multiple instances of decay: cavities, abscesses, infections, and more.

Describe the project, program, or initiative this grant will support to address the issue.

San Gabriel Valley Foundation for Dental Health is a non-profit organization providing free. affordable dental care to children and their families from low-income households. Our clinic serves a critical gap in the SGV, providing a welcoming dental home for families who could not otherwise afford care. Our partnership with Hacienda La Puente Adult Education and public schools brings affordable dental care to those facing barriers to routine care. Thanks to our volunteers and dental students, we provide our patients with high-quality care such as screenings, exams, fluoride, and dental education, at little to no cost. SGVFDH’s symbiotic model benefits:
Dental Assisting Students receive practical training, hands-on experience, patient communication skills, and professional mentoring;
Patients receive compassionate, affordable high-quality preventive and restorative treatment, and freedom from oral pain;
Our clinic is a dynamic learning environment that benefits from the latest dental teachings, keeping us on the cutting edge of dental care while fostering the next generation of dental professionals;
Community Integration and Educational Outreach programs ensure that thousands of local students receive free dental screenings and education on oral hygiene and preventive care. Bringing dental education directly to students at our partner schools reduces barriers to access, such as transportation or scheduling conflicts.

Describe how Los Angeles County will be different if your work is successful.

In nearly three decades of service, we have built a legacy of trust among SGV communities. Our collaborative, multi-layered approach to oral healthcare & education minimizes childhood oral disease by emphasizing preventive home care & regular dental exams. Oral health impacts overall health: routine dental care reduces risks of cavities & gum disease in childhood—and heart disease, infection, and respiratory diseases into adulthood. As we increase support for our programs, we aim to grow our clinic’s capacity to treat LA Smiles exponentially. Strong partnerships & successful outcomes put us on track to reach tens of thousands of patients with free dental screenings, oral hygiene instruction, and tools for home care—providing freedom from dental pain so children & families can live to their potential.
SGVFDH cares for children and trains tomorrow’s pediatric dental assistants, ensuring kids and the next generation have the compassionate, preventive healthcare everyone deserves.

What evidence do you have that this project, program, or initiative is or will be successful, and how will you define and measure success?

SGVFDH provides essential dental care & education to improve how LA families live & learn. Last year, our clinic treated over 550 patients, filling 344 cavities & placing 130 preventive sealants. 70% of returning patients had no new decay or disease & required no restorative treatment. We also provided free dental screenings, fluoride treatments, and education to 5,000+ students. Living free from dental disease & pain is correlated with consistent school attendance.
Since 1996, SGVFDH has provided over $5M in free or low-cost dental care to economically disadvantaged families, treating 12,500 smiles & counting. Our Outreach Education has reached another 286,000 kids. Additional funding will allow us to increase our clinic’s hours & capacity, further improving access to dental care.
SGVFDH’s pediatric clinic doubles as a learning environment for dental and dental assisting students, multiplying our future impact on community health.

Approximately how many people will be impacted by this project, program, or initiative?

Direct Impact: 5,500.0

Indirect Impact: 2,500.0