2024 Grants Challenge

Creating Change through Resident Empowerment and the Arts

Our initiative is a grass-roots movement for empowering the community by creating safe and welcoming spaces for residents to freely showcase and share their talents and gifts. Through the arts, we strive to promote community representation, cultural enrichment, and strong connections among families, neighbors, and stakeholders, fostering a deep sense of belonging for everyone involved.


What is the primary issue area that your application will impact?

Community safety

In what stage of innovation is this project, program, or initiative?

Expand existing project, program, or initiative (expanding and continuing ongoing, successful work)

What is your understanding of the issue that you are seeking to address?

Located in the heart of the Port of LA, Wilmington has a rich history. However, overshadowed by current crime, violence, and pollution, this community has gained a reputation as a dangerous place, leading to widespread stigmatization. Plagued by issues such as poverty, lack of representation, and limited cultural opportunities, Wilmington's residents find themselves marginalized and struggling. Due to issues of violence, graffiti and gang activity, many families do not feel comfortable due to potential for crime. In particular the area where we house our center is particularly unsafe with rampant homelessness and crime. Our goal is to establish a a safe and nurturing environment that fosters community, provides secure spaces, and equips residents with the resources for economic empowerment. Through our initiatives, we strive not only to address the community's pressing problems but also to inspire positive transformation and pave the way for a brighter future for Wilmington.

Describe the project, program, or initiative this grant will support to address the issue.

This grant would help us fund our future projects and help us maintain sustainability in our efforts within our newly opened community center. The Creative Center serves as a welcoming space for residents to engage, design and participate in diverse activities, including a weekly chess club, open mics, and art workshops. These activities cater to individuals of all ages, from toddlers to parents, fostering inclusivity and skill development within the community. Additionally, the center hosts pop-up shops for local individuals and small businesses to showcase and sell their products, adding to the economic development of our community members and patrons. Moreover, our center organizes monthly art galleries, musical performances, poetry nights, and craft workshops, offering a platform for local artists and musicians to showcase their talents. Through weekly classes, participants can refine their skills, culminating in showcases to exhibit their creations to the wider community.
A cornerstone event which would be supported by this grant is the Wilmington Art Walk, held three times a year, featuring over 100 local vendors and attracting thousands of attendees. This event celebrates local talent through live music, cultural performances, and art displays along Avalon Boulevard. The grant will enable us to sustain such events, bringing together residents and patrons for enriching experiences centered around community, culture, and family entertainment.

Describe how Los Angeles County will be different if your work is successful.

In bringing our vision to life, Wilmington, our neighboring cities and Los Angeles County collectively will undergo a profound transformation. Our work will elevate the representation of our diverse culture. By establishing safe spaces in insecure areas, we will foster a sense of community and belonging.Residents will no longer be mere bystanders but active contributors to the change they want to see in the world. Through our efforts, individuals will feel empowered to make a meaningful impact on society. Our impact will be felt deeply by creating spaces to enrich residents and nurture creativity. We will bring culturally relevant festivals and experiences to the forefront, celebrating heritage and promoting cross-cultural understanding.Ultimately, our success will redefine Los Angeles County and particularly the South Bay/ Harbor Area as a hub of culture, social equity, and artistic expression. It will be a place where art/culture thrives, voices are valued, and dreams are supported.

What evidence do you have that this project, program, or initiative is or will be successful, and how will you define and measure success?

This is a part of an existing initiative. We will measure impact by conducting surveys of our participants to find out how they rate their experience with our various activities, how they have grown through participation in our creative center, and in what ways they would wish to utilize the space in the future. Additionally, we aim to create an Advisory Council where residents can attend public meetings to share feedback with board members and suggest opportunities for growth in our programming and services. We will also gage the success of our programming by the retention of participants and an ongoing participation in the collaborative process that our organization prides itself on. Overall, we aim to positively impact society by increased access to the arts and culture. Increased access to economic development through the facilitation of arts based skills and collaboration within our community reach and creating a safe space for families, residents and stakeholders.

Approximately how many people will be impacted by this project, program, or initiative?

Direct Impact: 6,000.0

Indirect Impact: 20,000.0